Dr OKEWOLE Johnson Oludele
Senior Lecturer
OKEWOLE Johnson Oludele is a Senior Lecturer of Early Childhood Education (E. C. E.) with bias in Language Development in the Institute of Education, Obafemi Awolowo University Ile-Ife, Nigeria. He holds a Ph. D. in Early Childhood Development from Obafemi Awolowo University Ile-Ife, (2017). He is the Coordinator, Postgraduate Programmes in the Institute of Education. His current research is on Strategies of improving reading comprehension, phonology and vocabulary development. Assessment of E. C. E. policies, and Application of Elton Mayo’s Management Approach to E. C. E. He has successfully supervised 17 Master’s degree and co-supervised 3 Ph. D students. He is currently supervising three Ph. D. students and one master student. He has taught (full time) in tertiary institution for 17 years. His email addresses are: delejo2002@yahoo.com and jokewole@oauife.edu.ng. His phone number is +234-805-748-2680