The Institute of Education was established in January 1968, with the University of Ife (now Obafemi Awolowo University), Ile-Ife with Statute 25 as it’s operational guideline. The Statute provided that all teacher training institutions, Ministry of Education, all Post-primary schools within the catchment of the University shall be its constituent parts. The objectives and functions of the Institute include but not limited to the following:
- To establish and maintain an advisory relationship with all teacher training institutions in the state in all matters affecting teacher education;
- assume responsibility on behalf of the Senate and Council of the University, for the academic policy and administration of Adeyemi College of Education;
- assist in planning curricula for secondary schools and teacher training institutions in the State;
- assist the State Ministry of Education in conducting examinations leading to the award of teachers’ certificates;
- organise courses and programmes and offer counselling services for the development and improvement of the skills of teachers;
- advise on the development of libraries for teacher training college
- provide facilities for research in Institute and coordinate research projects in teacher training colleges and secondary schools;
- encourage and promote the dissemination of professional information through education journals and other publications;
- cooperate with other Institute of Education in Nigeria and elsewhere on matters of educational interest;
- perform such other functions as may be prescribed by the Governing Board with the approval of the Senate.
In order to achieve the above, the Associateship Certificate in Education (ACE) was approved as the main academic programme for the Institute of Education. The ACE programme ran between 1975 and 1985 in full-time and part-time modes in centres across the south-west region of Nigeria and produced 4483 Associateship Certificate in Education Teachers for the Nigerian Education system. However, given the challenges of meeting the teacher-need of the nation and indeed the need to produce teacher educators who will introduce and maintain a spirit of professional dedication and innovation into both services and in-service teacher trainees, the Bachelor of Elementary Teacher Education programmes were introduced in five different disciplines on the 30th of January 1985. The programmes were
(1). B.Ed. Creative Arts
(2). B.Ed. Language Arts
(3). B.Ed. Mathematics and Integrated Science.
(4). B.Ed. Social Studies
(5). B.Ed. Special Education.
Three of the programmes (Social Studies, Language Arts and Mathematics/Integrated Science) have been very active and had produced hundreds of graduate teachers who could be found in several institutions of learning, ranging from secondary schools, Colleges of Education, to Polytechnics and Universities across the country. The programmes of Creative Arts and Special Education would commence as soon as there are available manpower for them. The Institute also runs Postgraduate Diploma in Education (PGDE), M.Ed., M.A.Ed. M.Phil. and Ph.D in Early Childhood Education, Integrated Science and Social Studies.
Mission, Vision and Objectives of the Institute
The Philosophy of the B.Ed. programme housed in the Institute is in line with the Nigerian Philosophy of Education as stipulated in the National Policy on Education and adopted by the Faculty of Education, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife. The philosophy is premised upon creating a conducive teaching and learning community, imparting appropriate skills, knowledge, behaviour and attitudes; advancing the frontiers of knowledge that are relevant to national and global development, and engendering a sense of commitment and dedication to service, which is pivotal to the teaching profession. At the end of each programme, the teachers produced are expected to be able to teach Mathematics/Integrated Science, Social Studies and Language Arts up to secondary school level. They are expected to be thoroughly bred and disciplined teachers, with excellent knowledge and skills, who will be able to demonstrate competence and knowledge in any area of endeavour to be chosen by them after graduation.
Specifically, the goals and objectives of the Institute of education are rooted in those defined for Teacher Education on page 33 of the National Policy on Education (1998). The policy states that:
All teachers in educational institutions shall be professionally trained. Teacher education programmes shall be structured to equip teachers for effective performance of their duties… Teacher education shall continue to take cognizance of changes in methodology and in the curriculum. Teachers shall be regularly exposed to innovations in the curriculum. Teachers shall be regularly exposed to innovations in the profession (p.33-34).
In recent times, as a result of the Universal Basic Education Scheme, the Education for All (EFA) initiatives and the Dakar Framework for Action, the Institute is facing some challenges. Among these are:
- To increase accessibility particularly to women and girls so that higher education is available
- To provide education to the full range of adults who deserve a chance in Teacher Education, irrespective of their location and workplace.
- To ensure that the quality of learning for the 21st century in order to improve the life chances of each of their adult learners as individuals and as members of economic, cultural and political communities.
- To identify relevant and strategic professional partners among teacher education institutions in the country with which to implement innovative teacher education programme through the distance learning system.