Dr GBENGA-AKANMU Taiwo Oladunni
Lecturer II
GBENGA-AKANMU Taiwo Oladunni is a Lecturer of Early Childhood Education Care and Development in the Institute of Education, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Osun State, Nigeria. She holds a Ph. D in Early Childhood Development from Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife in 2018. Her current research is on Effect of Meta-cognitive Training on Numeracy Performance of field-dependent and field-independent Primary School Pupils in Computer-mediated Classrooms. She is currently supervising one Master’s Degree and co-supervising two Master’s Degree. Her email addresses are taoakanmu@oauife.edu.ng, taoakanmu@yahoo.com, and ttaiwoakanmu@gmail.com. Her phone number is +234-803-817-0477