Welcome to the Institute of Education
I heartily welcome you to the web page of Institute of Education (IoE) an educational outreach arm of the university. The institute of education which started as one of the four unit of the faculty of education was established in the year 1975 with the initial mandate of training and re-training serving teachers as well as disseminating research findings to educational stakeholders. Over the years, due to the dynamic nature of global educational terrain, the institute has re-defined her roles in focusing on the preservice preparation of professionals specially equipped to deliver basic education curriculum (primary and junior secondary school) on one hand and in-service training of teachers in all subject areas. This is in addition to bridging theories with practice through continual engagement with educational stakeholders.
In retrospect, IoE has made modest contribution in assisting Nigeria in her efforts at achieving Goal 2 of the Millennium Development Goals (MDG).And now with our experienced and highly motivated faculty members covering almost all teaching subject areas, we are better equipped at assisting our nation and ultimately sub sahara Africa contribute her quota towards SDG4 of the Sustainable Development Goal.
Our products are all over raising high their heads at different educational institutions and industries while we continue to improve our teaching, research and services.
Once again, you are welcome.

Prof. Hannah Olubunmi AJAYI